Saturday, December 26, 2009

Clary sage and lavender oil - how do they work to bring on labour?

How do you use / take them and do they work in bringing on labour

xxClary sage and lavender oil - how do they work to bring on labour?
THEY DONT... seriously i had my son 2 weeks ago.. he was 13 days late and i tried everything possible.. I drank raspberry leaf tea till it came out of my ears for the last month (supposed to induce/help labour)... I also sniffed clary sage oil till i felt physically sick.. NO CHANGE, nothing worked, just wives tales.. Although they do say that inhaling clary sage and drinking leaf tea during labour brings contractions stronger and closer together. I cant say whether that works or not as i was induced 4 times and eventually went on IV drip to make contractions come... GOOD LUCK xxClary sage and lavender oil - how do they work to bring on labour?
Lavender oil is a calming substance. You can put it on your pillow or drink lavender tea but really, your baby will come when he or she is ready. I know how impatient it gets when you're ready to pop but honestly, just let nature take its course unless the doctor advises otherwise.
i hope you have spoke to a beauty therapist or an aromatherapist before you try anything with essential oils as depending on the concentrations they can do you some harm during pregnancy. so id think it best to allow nature to bring on labour.
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